They re-flooding the zone for precisely that reason they are trying to destroy and sully an
Alzheimer awareness elephant flower shirt reputation for the rest of Kavanaugh’s life here again decent people chuckles don’t quite know how to deal with this much less refute it other than to say its bogus. Currently Brian Fallon is the executive director of something called we demand justice it is a front group for another liberal big money group called the democracy alliance he tweeted if Senate GOP ignores dr blase ford and tries to muscle an attempted rapist onto the supreme court 1 they will pay dearly this november 2 senators up in 2020 collins Gardner et al will feel intense heat for next two years 3 Kavanaugh will not serve for life that is a veiled threat he didn’t add any clarification he will not serve for life. Byron York reminds us that hill testified in October 1991 that Thomas harassed her in 1991 and 82 that’s like ten years before far more recent than Christine blase ford’s 36-year-old charge against Kavanaugh.
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